Objective variables

They are several variables (<category>) which provide relevant information on the character's acting (primary data): verb category, sphere, context, role, genetic-sex, which follow the same semantic frame for marking up a type of taxonomy:
<taxonomy xml:id="objectiveVar" ana="#taxonomies">
    <category xml:id="NAME OF A VARIABLE"/>
    <category xml:id="NAME OF A SUBVARIABLE"/>
Note: a variable = category or taxonomy. A subvariable = subcategory or subtaxonomy.

➤ Each @xml:id from <taxonomy><category>[1], and <taxonomy><category>[1] ➞ <category>[2] will be use in R.

  1. Verb category (= action category)
    • For the semantic type of the lexicon verb — semantics categories are the ones used by the lexical database WordNet, semantics correspondance come from both WordNet and VerbNet and for checking the relation between concept, BabelNet and FrameNet1. It goes without saying that variation of ugaritic meaning will be analyzed within the hermeneutics argumentation2.

      • Semantics categories of: bodily functions and care (verb.body), cognition (verb.cognition), communication (verb.communication), competition (verb.competition), consumpution (verb.consumpution), contact (verb.contact), creation (verb.creation), emotion (verb.emotion), motion (verb.motion),perception (verb.perception), possession (verb.possession), social (verb.social), stative (verb.stative)
    • Category <category>[1] ➞ @xml:id TAXO: verb.contact
      • Subcategories (still under development as the transciption moves forward), <category>[2], @xml:id subTAXO: i.e. attaching (for TAXO verb contact)
        • with gloss to refer to a subcategory within transcription, <category>[3] ➞ <gloss> , @xml:id verb's “infinitive” form
      • TEI-XML example:
        <category xml:id="verb.category" ana="#objectiveVar #action">
          <catDesc xml:lang="en">According to WordNet lexical database</catDesc>
          <!-- example -->
          <category n="6" xml:id="verb.contact" ana="#verb.category #action"> 
            <catDesc>taxonomy: verbs of contact (WordNet[35])</catDesc>
            <category n="1" xml:id="attaching" ana="#verb.contact">                   
              <catDesc>subcategory of contact's verb: attaching (according to FrameNet) 
                <term ana="#ʿtk01 #šns01" type="baseForm">
                  <ptr n="1" target="https://framenet2.icsi.berkeley.edu/fnReports/data/frameIndex.xml?frame=Attaching" source="FrameNet"/>
                  <ptr n="2" target="http://live.babelnet.org/synset?word=bn:00083498v" source="BabelNet"/>
                  <ptr n="3" target="http://wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu/id/01289516-v" />
              <category ana="#verb.contact #attaching" xml:lang="uga">
                <gloss n="1" xml:id="ʿtk01" target="../uga/verb.html#ʿtk"/><!-- within transcription, i.e.: <w pos="verb" ana="#ʿtk #verb.contact #attaching #ANT" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_l11b-12a_ʿtkt">ʿtkt</w> -->
                <gloss n="2" xml:id="šns01" target="./uga/verb.html#šns"/><!-- within transcription, i.e.: <w pos="verb" ana="#šns #verb.contact #attaching #ANT" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_l12b-13a_šnst">šnst</w> -->    
  2. Result
    • ➯ result of the action.
    • Subcategories <category>@xml:id — non-exhaustive listing: death of the Opponent (death_ofOpponent), Injury of the opponent (injury_ofOpponent), trauma, defeate of the opposition (defeate_ofOpposition), deportation, regaining strength (regainingStrength), take over the throne (take_overThrone), unknown (unknown_R), broken context (B_ctx_R).
    • Note: the result can be seen in the lines following the current action; an explaination is given within <note>, and referenced to @ana. Example within interpretation
    • TEI-XML example:
      <category xml:id="result" ana="#objectiveVar">
          <category xml:id="death_ofOpponent"/>
  3. Context
    • ➯ in which the action takes place.
    • Subcategories <category>@xml:id — non-exhaustive listing: assembly, battle, burial, care (can be used with another context), feast, hunting, landscaping project, lawsuit, maintenance, ritual, single combat, trade, visit, wedding, unknown (unknown_C), broken context (B_ctx_C).
    • TEI-XML example:
      <category xml:id="context" ana="#objectiveVar">
          <category xml:id="ritual"/>
  4. Sphere
    • ➯ where the event takes place, inside or outside the household.
    • Subcategories <category>@xml:id: inside, outside, unknown (unknown_S), broken context (B_ctx_S).
    • TEI-XML example:
      <category xml:id="sphere" ana="#objectiveVar">
          <category xml:id="inside"/>
  5. Role
    • ➯ of the animated entity (= Being)
    • Subcategories <category>@xml:id: active, passive, both Active (animated entities X and Y)
    • TEI-XML example:
      <category xml:id="role" ana="#objectiveVar">
          <category xml:id="active"/>
  6. Genetic sex
    • ➯ traditionally known (or assumed by tradition).
    • Subcategories <category>@xml:id: Female, Male, unknown
    • TEI-XML example:
      <category xml:id="Genetic-sex" ana="#objectiveVar">
          <category xml:id="Female"/>
1 Of course, the interpretation of their content in the current guidelines relies on my own responsibility.
2 A specific dictionary of semantics for ancient Near Eastern languages is under development in TEI-XML, with Ugaritic language for the experimental development