Analytical taxonomies

Note: XPath: /teiCorpus/TEI/teiHeader/encodingDesc

Three main taxonomies are created for investigating a narrative text:

  1. Primary data
  2. Objective variables
  3. Subjective variables
These taxonomies are described within two encoding description sections:

   <taxonomy xml:id="primaryData">  <!-- Primary Data --> </taxonomy> 
   <taxonomy xml:id="objectiveVar">  <!-- Objective variables --> </taxonomy> 
   <taxonomy xml:id="subjectiveVar">  <!-- Subjective variables --> </taxonomy> 

In anticipation or the future development of an (OWL) ontology of power relationships using linked open data standards, I have equated existent OWL or RDF classes with certain TEI-XML attributes (these have been specified where relevant):

My choice of using the OntoMedia ontology is relevant because we share the same primary goal, althought final purpose is different since mine is for anthropological purpose: “to allow people to explore and analyse narratives”1