Within transcription

Note: (1) Value in capital letters: implies to select the right choice of the subcategory, i.e., ACTION VERB ➞ confrontation. (2) Only highlighted relevant elements and attributes for hermeneutics of action.
  • XPath:
    • from text mining: ➞ div1|div2/div3/div4

      <element> @type: VALUE description
      div1 transcription ‘within transcription’ elements from the analyzed text
      div2 tablet tablet's number [n]
      div3 col column's number [n]
      div4 part subsection of the text [n]

  • TEI-XML elements: lg|l|w
  • TEI-XML attributes: @ana|@pos|@type|@xml:id
  • Values:

Following transcription within the elements TEI ➞ text ➞ group ➞ body ➞ div[…] ➞ div4➞ <lg> , a practical example from KTU 1.3 (colonne 2, line 5b-6a):

<l n="5b-6a" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_l5b-6a" ana="#ktu1-3_ii_l5b_6a_int">
  <name type="character" ana="#Character #ANT #v-ANT-ktu1-3_ii_l5b-6a">ʿnt</name>
  <w pos="verb" ana="#mḫṣ01 #yQTL #verb.competition #contend #ANT" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_l5b-6a_tmtḫṣ">tm<lb break="no"/>tḫṣ</w>
  <w pos="noun" ana="#ʿmq">ʿmq</w>

Only elements from primary data and objective variables are used at this stage:
  1. Annotated translation.
  2. Parsing TEI-XML with R.

  • <l>@xml:id:"ktuREF" is essential to link the right ‘objective variables’ to ‘subjective variables’ for R statistics — in the previous example, xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_l5b-6a".
  • <w> :
    • @pos ‘verb’
      • @ana #AE VALUE and ʿentityʾ — in the previous example, #ANT.
      • @ana TAXO and subTAXO — in previous example, #verb.competition #contend.
    • ➞ verb ‘value’ —  in the previous example, tmtḫṣ.

schema within a transcription

Another pratical example with a schema, which meaning is “warriors are performing an action of destruction (tmtḫṣn)”:

Specific case, verb repetition. For parsing TEI-XML in R, with and without emphasis.
  • TEI-XML elements for the emphasis: <span>
  • TEI-XML attribute: @type
  • Value: emphasize

<l n="23" ana="#ktu1-3_ii_l23" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_23">
  <lb/><w pos="adv">mʾid</w>
  <w pos="verb" ana="#mḫṣ01 #yQTL #verb.competition #contend #WAR" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_23_tmtḫṣn">tmtḫṣn</w>
  <w pos="verb" ana="#ʿn01 #yQTL #verb.perception #observation #ANT" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_23_tʿn">tʿn</w>
<l n="24" ana="#ktu1-3_ii_l24" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_24"><span type="emphasize" ana="#ktu1-3_ii_23"/>
  <lb/><w pos="verb" ana="#ḫṣ01 #yQTL #verb.competition #contend #WAR" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_24_tḫtṣb">
      <span type="emphasize" ana="#ktu1-3_ii_23_tmtḫṣn">tḫtṣb</span></w>
  <w pos="verb" ana="#ḥdy01 #yQTL #verb.perception #observation #ANT" xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_24_tḥdy">
    <span type="emphasize" ana="#ktu1-3_ii_23_tʿn">tḥdy</span></w>
  <name type="character" ana="#Character #ANT">ʿnt</name>

  • In the previous example <span> @type="emphasize":
    • After <l> which includes all words within the line:
      • @xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_24" ➞ @ana="#ktu1-3_ii_23" for the emphasis of @n="23"
    • After <w> for the verb(s) only:
      • @xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_24_tḫtṣb" ➞ @ana="#ktu1-3_ii_23_tmtḫṣn" for the emphasis of “tmtḫṣn”
      • @xml:id="ktu1-3_ii_24_tḥdy" ➞ @ana="#ktu1-3_ii_23_tʿn" for the emphasis of “tʿn”
Note: Specific to Ugaritic: form yQTL and QTL: @xml:id within <gram> — here I follow E. Greenstein1:
  • form yQTL @ana="#yQTL": verbs which describe the event
  • form QTL @ana="#QTL": verbs of the off-line narration
<entryFree xml:lang="uga">
       <gram xml:id="yQTL">yQTL: performance of the character</gram>
       <gram xml:id="QTL">QTL: describe the performance</gram>
It is a relevant information for counting ocurrences.
1 Greenstein, Edward L. “Forms and Functions of the Finite Verb in Ugaritic Narrative Verse.” In Biblical Hebrew in Its Northwest Semitic Setting, edited by Steven E Fassberg and Avi Hurvitz, 75–102, Jerusalem — Winona Lake, Indiana: Hebrew University Magnes Press — Eisenbrauns, 2006.